First Time Blogger

Unexpected Visit

You know that feeling you get when all your emotions rush through every part of your being ? that inexplicable surge that makes you feel like you were just meant to do something great …something amazing? something meaningful that just sparks and empowers others? I heard within me someone say “inspiration is restless… it can […]

First Time Blogger

Me! Press Me! Press Me!

Magic Coffee – check Inspirational background music – check Post worthy of being pressed freshly – well… still in the works. Which has me thinking, what makes a good enough post to have it publicized? Or what makes a great YouTube video laudable of a million hits? Hmm… The thing is that thinking too hard […]

First Time Blogger

Invisible Dad

As I sit here trying to figure out how to make a very special Father’s day dinner for my husband, my mind suddenly drifts off into hazy memories and I start thinking of my dad. Well, at least I try very hard to bring just a little memory into existence. I try so hard that […]

First Time Blogger

What are they putting in my Morning Coffee ?

A few times a week or so, in mid morning hours, after I drink my usual morning coffee.. this sudden urge of doing something great.. something huge… comes over me. Inspired in more ways than one, my mind runs rampant a thousand miles an hour and I feel like I’m unstoppable. But as the clock ticks away and the […]

First Time Blogger

Waking Up On The Right Side of The Bed

Setting the alarm clock to 30 minutes earlier than the usual… WOW … what a difference it makes! I didnt rush like crazy this morning to try and get my son ready for school and getting to work was not the usual “OMG I hope the Vice-Principal wont see me coming in late again” Very liberating to have […]

First Time Blogger

Thoughts seem to sound so much better in my head… hmm maybe I’m giving it too much thought. What am I expecting from all of this anyway? For someone to like it? Who cares? Its my blog, my thoughts, my words, my life. Who am I trying to impress? Write freely and without restraints… this is your sweet […]

First Time Blogger

Hello BLogWorld!

Very new at this blogging thing, just hoping somehow it awakens my oh so dormant creative spirit. Well, at least I’d like to think there is something of the sort in there. I have to say though, I’m loving how my thoughts rapidly and freely manifest as soon as my fingers softly touch these keys … it feels magical, like […]